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Study Plan 點寫?

想知申請學簽時提交嘅 Study Plan / Letter of Explanation 點寫,可參考我哋以下影片:

另外,Study Plan 內容要包啲咩重點,可以參考埋 Hong Kong Visa Office 喺 Visa Office instructions 內提及嘅以下內容:

A study plan, approximately one page in length, written by the student.

The study plan should include the following information:

  • why you wish to go to Canada to study at the school and in the program for which you have been accepted;
  • your overall educational goals; and
  • how this Canadian diploma or degree will increase your employment chances.

個人覺得 Study Plan 嘅內容最緊要係負責審批你個申請嘅 case officer 睇完之後覺得合理。但係合唔合理係好主觀,唔同 case officer 心中把尺係會有唔同。