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PGWP 嘅有效期係幾耐?

一般學校嘅答案係正常情況下,完成一個兩年制嘅課程,IRCC 係會批最多三年嘅 PGWP (畢業生工作簽證)。由於係由 IRCC 決定 PGWP 嘅有效期,校方通常都唔可以確實答你一定係三年。但你可參考以下官方網頁:

The program of study is 2 years or longer” 那一段
“If the length of the program is confirmed by the eligible DLI in the written confirmation of program completion (such as an official letter or transcript), the length of the work permit should be 3 years.”

Accelerated studies” 那一段有以下清楚解釋:
“If a student completes their studies in less time than the normal length of the program (that is, they have accelerated their studies), the post-graduation work permit should be assessed on the length of the program of study.

For example, if the student is enrolled in a program of study that is normally 1 year in duration, but the student completes the requirements for the program of study within 8 months, they may be eligible for a post-graduation work permit that is valid for 1 year.”

喺畢業時,我學校有封 Confirmation of Graduation 嘅信俾我,上面寫明 Program Length: Two Years。

另外,由於我哋係行港人救生艇 Stream A,PGWP 嘅作用只係幫你喺畢業後申請 PR 期間保持一個有效嘅居留身份,同埋可以喺畢業後早啲開始搵工返工。以依家嘅申請審批時間,PGWP 同港人救生艇 PR 申請都係要 4 – 6 個月。如果畢業後盡快遞交 PR 申請,批 PR 係好有可能快過批 PGWP,所以不需太擔心 PGWP 有效期長短嘅問題。