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兩年制 diploma 要修幾多個 credit?

我當時第一個 semester 讀六科,之後嘅 semester 就讀七科至八科。每科嘅 credit 會有唔同,由 1 至 6 都有。通常主科係 4,副修科係 2 至 3。以我嗰 diploma course 為例,總共要修 92 個 credit。

有關 credits,學校嘅說法係 “Centennial College credits are assigned based on the number of contact hours per week. For example, if a course is offered 3 hours per week, the course is 3.0 Centennial credits.”。你要之後以學生身份登入學校系統先會見到各科係幾多 credit 同埋總共要修幾多。系統會例明邊科係主修科,同埋要修幾多 electives。主修科係一定要讀,electives 就係可以自己選擇上咩科。